Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive technique that we use for a number of different colorectal surgeries. Our nationally recognized doctors perform laparoscopy whenever possible because it means faster recoveries and less pain for you. You can trust that our experienced surgeons will achieve excellent results:

  • We have performed thousands of laparoscopic intestinal surgeries
  • Our training allows us to make it an option in over half of the major IBD surgeries we perform every year

What Are the Benefits of Laparoscopy?

Laparoscopic procedures involve inserting a thin viewing tube (laparoscope) and, if necessary, fine surgical instruments through one or more small incisions in the abdomen, instead of a large one. This minimally invasive approach is a leading advance in colon surgery in the last decade.

This procedure offers you and your surgeon a number of advantages including:

  • Reduced bleeding (and less need for blood transfusion)
  • Less pain
  • Shorter recovery time
  • Less scarring
  • Quicker discharge from the hospital
  • Less risk of infections
  • Less risk of hernia at the incision site

What Can I Expect During a Laparoscopic Surgery?

Our nurses and doctors will make sure that you are as comfortable as possible and that both the procedure and recovery are quick. You will be admitted on the day of your laparoscopic procedure and go directly to the operating room. On the day of your surgery, we will:

  • Give you a general anesthetic to relax your muscles and prevent pain during surgery
  • Make a small incision near your navel
  • Insert the laparoscope and tiny surgical instruments through this and other small incisions
  • Inflate the abdomen so organs are easier to view
  • Perform the surgery using these small instruments, watching the image from the laparoscope on a video screen.
  • Remove the tissue or piece of intestine usually through the same incision at the navel
  • Remove the instruments and close the small incisions with dissolvable stitches

A patient receiving a surgical procedure using laparoscopy will typically stay in the hospital two to four days, depending on the procedure.