Andrew R. Walker, MD

4.6 out of 5 from 450 Patient Satisfaction Ratings. Learn more about the survey.
Andrew R. Walker, MD
Employed by Penn State Health
Internal Medicine

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About Me

I am a board-certified internal medicine physician with more than 30 years of clinical experience. I serve as medical director of the Penn State Health Employee Health Department and lead physician of the urgent care locations in Camp Hill and Carlisle.  

Additionally, I am the lead physician at Penn State Health Travel Medicine. My in-depth knowledge about world region-specific health risks, required vaccinations and ways to stay healthy while traveling internationally can help you enjoy your trip without worries. 

Contact us

Phone: 717-972-4229 (Travel Medicine)
Phone: 717-763-3730 (Urgent Care)
Fax: 717-763-3734


Accepted Insurances

We accept a variety of health insurance plans and will submit claims on your behalf. Certain coverage restrictions may apply based on your individual benefit package.

View Accepted Insurances

Professional Education


Medical School, University of Jagiellonski - Krakow Poland - 1990


Residency, Internal Medicine UPMC Pinnacle Health System - 1995